Roof top solar installations overtake Hazelwood power station’s capacity

The cumulative megawatt capacity of installed solar PV systems in Australia has overtaken the well-known Hazelwood power station.

Based on figures provided by Sunwiz Consulting, at the end of July 2012 the total capacity of solar PV systems was 1793 MW. Hazelwood’s capacity is 1740 MW.

Queensland has also bumped off NSW for the title of Australia’s solar state, with over 500 MW of installed capacity.

By the end of next year the cumulative megawatt capacity of PV systems could surpass Australia’s largest power station, the 2880 MW Eraring Power Station.

Roof top solar, one roof at a time, can and does make a real difference to everyone by offering a clean renewable source of energy and easing the pressure on our aging electricity network infrastructure.

Newcastle Hunter rooftop solar installation